Experiência. Inovação. Construção.

Preservamos a experiência do saber-fazer, aprendido ao longo dos mais de 30 anos de trabalho, dos nossos artesãos da construção civil. Acreditamos que a constante captação de talento e a partilha de conhecimentos entre gerações conduzem à inovação. Construímos relações sólidas que nos permitem apresentar soluções completas na construção de cada projeto.


We preserve the experience of know-how, learned over more than 30 years of work, from our artisans in the construction industry. We believe that the constant capture of talent and the sharing of knowledge between generations leads to innovation. We build solid relationships that allow us to present complete solutions in the construction of each project.

A perícia

Founded in order to face the labour shortages of the market, the experience acquired in several areas allowed it to expand the offer of its services to other specialities and to provide integrated solutions in the execution of public works and the rehabilitation of industrial and commercial buildings.

Through the creation of specialized teams, it has several projects implemented, from small contracts to general turnkey contracts, in sectors of activity such as health, commerce, services, industry and education.

Its strategic capabilities and know-how allow it to find the solutions that best adapt to the needs of its customers, meeting high-quality standards and optimizing the management processes of each project.


We have in our origin the hardness of the work. This heritage made of strength, resilience and art.
We made it our mission to preserve the knowledge and guarantee the future of the construction craftsman. We combine knowledge and cross generations. It is our multiplicity that allows us to offer integrated solutions and excellence in the execution of each project, from award to completion.


We exalt our origins. Those who, with their hands, shaped the vision of artists and built history out of stone.

It is in elevating the profession of civil construction official, that lays our legacy. In the pure practice of the technique and the softness of the expertise, we return the value and recognition of artisans.


  • Ambition,
  • Aesthetic,
  • Courage,
  • Loyalty,
  • Passion,
  • Respect,
  • Responsibility,
  • Rigor,
  • Solidarity.