EXPERIENCE. INNOVATION. CONSTRUCTION. We preserve the experience of know-how, learned over more than 30 years of work, from our artisans in the construction industry. KNOW MORE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKS We offer integrated solutions in the construction and rehabilitation of buildings. KNOW MORE MAINTENANCE Maintenance of commercial, industrial and residential establishments. SABER MAIS LABOR Multidisciplinary teams with more than 30 years of experience. KNOW MORE

A perícia

Founded in order to face the labour shortages of the market, the acquired experience in several areas allowed to expand the offer of services to other specialities and provide integrated solutions in the execution of public works and the construction and rehabilitation of buildings.
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What we do

Based on its vast operational capacity and its highly specialized teams, perícia provides high quality services.


Construção Civil
e Obras Públicas

Na área da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas, oferece soluções integradas na construção e reabilitação de edifícios nos setores da indústria, comércio, saúde, educação e serviços, garantindo sempre o trinómio qualidade/custo/prazo.



Equipas distribuídas estrategicamente de norte a sul do país, otimizam a sua capacidade de resposta na manutenção de edifícios comerciais, industriais e habitacionais com soluções totalmente adaptadas às necessidades dos seus clientes e acompanhamento personalizado ao longo de todas as etapas do processo.



As suas equipas multidisciplinares, o know-how adquirido no desenvolvimento dos seus projetos e os seus artesãos da construção civil com mais de 30 anos de experiência, permitem-lhe oferecer um serviço de Mão-de-Obra altamente especializado.



Integrated solutions in the construction and rehabilitation of buildings in the sectors of industry, commerce, health, education and services.
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Teams strategically distributed from north to south of the country, optimize their response capacity in the maintenance of commercial and industrial establishments.
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Its multidisciplinary teams, the know-how acquired in the development of its projects and its construction artisans offer a highly specialized service.
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Our projects

We have several projects executed, in sectors of activity such as health, commerce, services, industry and education.

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With more than 180 workers distributed by teams based from north to south of the country, perícia continuously invests in attracting talent and training future craftsmen in the construction industry.

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